Troop Leader Spotlight: Catherine Romero

Service Unit: Rising Phoenix

Troop 2790 and 3390 (Multilevel Daisies – Ambassadors)

Years as a troop leader: 8

What kind of service projects have you done with your troop?

My troop loves giving back to the community through various service projects, including an annual Christmas Caroling event held at Phoenix Manor Senior Community. Every year, we provide crafts and treats for the seniors while troops lead a couple of Christmas Carols. This event is something the troops and the seniors look forward to each year!

Tell us about a volunteer moment that stands out to you.

A volunteer moment that stands out to me is when the girls find their voice – it’s amazing! I get to see the girls shine and have the confidence to be themselves. It is such a great feeling seeing them interact at cookie booths and/or sing. I think it gives them a sense of what it’s like to be heard.

What do you wish someone had told you as a new troop leader?

I wish someone had told me that when joining Girl Scouts, you become part of this huge community. I also wish someone had shared how important it is to find a unique teaching style and, most of all, to have fun! I have made lifelong friendships with other troop leaders in my neighborhood and have connected with troop leaders outside of my neighborhood as well. At Girl Scouts, there is always someone to go to if you need a helping hand!

What is the most inspiring moment you have experienced as a troop leader?

The most inspiring thing I have experienced is watching these girls blossom! They all start out a bit shy, but when they come together as sisters, their personalities shine. Their confidence comes out when they are singing in the car or shouting at a booth. Through every experience, program, and troop activity, they find their voice and independence. It’s amazing and it’s the reason why I volunteer!
